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lunes, abril 11, 2005

TopWiz Software para Power Builder

TopWiz Software

En la anterior página en la sección free Ccode samples hay ejemplos gratis de power builder con ciertas cosas interesante: Icontray, Mutex, ZLIB, bmp, etc... está bien interesante.


Free Code Samples

Click on the sample title for more information and to reveal the download link. Unless otherwise indicated, all examples are PB6 and can easily be migrated to a higher version.

Bitmap (PB6 & PB10) Capture screen images to blobs and save to .bmp file.

This program captures control, window or screen to a blob and saves the blob as a .bmp file. BITMAP.ZIP

CookieMgr (PB8) Jaguar service component that removes old cookie files.

A cookie is the PBD files associated with a PB component. Everytime you deploy a component, Jaguar creates it in a new subdirectory and leaves the old one, wasting space. CookieMgr has an option to run periodically. The Cookie Monster component on the Sybase website only runs when Jaguar starts and it doesn't include source code. COOKIEMGR.ZIP

FTPEdit WinInet wrapper to easily use FTP commands.

This program emulates Notepad plus uses a WinInet NVO to give it the ability to open files via FTP. FTPEDIT.ZIP

GridDemo MS Outlook style sort arrows and autosize column width.

In MS Outlook when you click headings to sort, an arrow appears to indicate sort order. This program shows how you can add this for your grid datawindows. It also has an object which allows grid datawindows to autosize the width of a column to match it's contents. GRIDDEMO.ZIP

History MS IE style history dropdown.

This program has a dropdownlistbox object which emulates the URL web address entry area of Microsoft Internet Explorer. It has auto-complete history and a dropdown listing history with the most recent entries sorted to the top. Entries are saved in the registry. HISTORY.ZIP

Icontray Run program in Icon tray and respond to system Hotkey.

This program contains a NVO which makes it very simple to create a program that sits in the system icon tray. Also allows for popup menus, Hotkey reactivation and Balloon Tooltips. ICONTRAY.ZIP

ImageEdit Use image edit control to view pictures.

This program has ole objects that wrap functions of the Wang/Kodak Image Edit and Scanner controls which come with Windows. This allows you to view .jpg, .gif, .tif and .bmp files. Also control a scanner and save the files. Go to to upgrade this control to the professional version for higher resolution and additional features. IMAGEEDIT.ZIP

JagMan (PB8) Access the Jaguar Repository from PB client apps.

This is an example of how you can access the Jaguar Repository from a client app. It is designed to work similar to Jaguar Manager. It allows you to add, modify or delete properties. It is also a good example of my splitbar object plus it shows how to do grid sort arrows like MS Outlook. JAGMAN.ZIP

Linectr Count the number of lines of code in your app.

Application to count lines of code in your application. I only did this to see how to do it, I don't favor using it as a productivity measure. Due to bugs in PB6, the count of lines in menu objects may be understated. I haven't verified how PB7 or later performs. LINECTR.ZIP

Mutex Prevent more than one copy of a program at one time.

This program shows how to prevent more than one copy of your application being run on the same machine. It uses a Mutex, which is an operating system maintained flag. MUTEX.ZIP

NetQuery (PB6 & PB10) Wrapper for several NetAPI functions.

This program contains a NVO which encapsulates various NetAPI functions. Some of the functions return arrays of structures of pointers to Unicode strings. Includes NetQueryDisplayInformation, NetMessageBufferSend and other similar functions. NETQUERY.ZIP

Ping (PB6 & PB10) Network Ping Utility.

This program allows you to Ping a remote server and measure the elapsed time using QueryPerformanceCounter. Also features gethostname without needing an external dll. PING.ZIP

RunAndWait Run an external program and wait for it to finish.

This program shows how to execute other programs and wait for them to finish before continuing. RUNANDWAIT.ZIP

Splitbars Horizontal and vertical splitbar objects.

Extremely easy to use horizontal and vertical splitbar objects. Features functions to save and restore the splitbar location in the registry. SPLITBARS.ZIP

Statbar Add objects to the frame window microhelp area.

Shows how to use the GetParent/SetParent API functions to place windows on the microhelp bar and on the toolbar. Also shows how to set the windows minimum and maximum size. STATBAR.ZIP

WebBrowser (PB8) Use the MS Internet Browser control.

This program shows how to use the Microsoft web browser control. It also shows how to create an autocomplete address input box. Other cool functions like SaveAs, Print and View Source. WEBBROWSER.ZIP

Winsock (PB6 & PB10) Wrapper for Winsock functions.

This program uses Winsock to send/listen/receive data from one machine to another. WINSOCK.ZIP

ZLIB Use the free ZLIB zip compression library. Uses version 1.2.1 which is included.

This program contains a NVO which encapsulates functions of the free ZLIB library. It includes in-memory compression / decompression, creating .zip archive files and extracting files from .zip archive files. This can be used to save space when saving files in the database or reduce network traffic between a PB client and a Jaguar component. Also uses Win API GetOpenFileName with multi-select. ZLIBWAPI.ZIP

——— Last updated 11/09/2004 ———


Blogger Unknown said...

Its really so nice post. thanks for sharing all about PowerBuilder

martes, septiembre 28, 2010 5:23:00 p. m.


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