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jueves, septiembre 22, 2005

Linux Today "Complete Story" Redirect greasemonkey script

[Versión en Español aqui]

This is a GreaseMonkey script to ease the reading of Linux today stories.

I had three motivations to do this script:
  1. To learn about GreaseMonkey and JavaScript.
  2. To read Linux Today's web site should be faster.
  3. If using Sage to read Linux Today latest news, clicking on a story link should redirect to its site not to an intermediate Linux today page, where you have to search for a "Complete Story" link and click on it; which I consider an unnecessary delay .
With help of Dive into GreaseMonkey site this problem has gone very easyly with four (4) or five (5) JavaScript lines.

This link lt_cs_rdir.user.js has the script's source. It installs as any other GreaseMonkey script.

If you have any comment or doubt send me an email to:
  • jeansagi at myrealbox dot com
  • jeansagi at gmail dot com