Sitios que en el día a día me parecen interesantes, pero que no tengo tiempo de revisar en el momento, así que los registro en este blog de tal forma que pueda leerlos posteriormente.

martes, abril 29, 2008

Herraminetas de seguridad

Communication and File Sharing

11. Mute

Using routing mechanisms inspired by ants (yes, the insects), Mute provides completely anonymous file transfer and file sharing that is virtually impossible to trace. In addition, messages passed on the network are protected by military grade encryption. Operating System: OS Independent.

12. Waste

Waste allows small groups of users to chat and download files securely and anonymously. Transmissions are encrypted using RSA and Blowfish algorithms. Operating System: Windows, Linux, BSD, OS X.

13. ANts P2P

This third generation peer-to-peer network hides your identity and encrypts all transmissions for completely secure communication. And as you might expect, it's also inspired by the behavior of ants. Operating System: OS Independent.
